

The process of obtaining new customers for a product or service.


Online behaviour of a user. This includes sites they visit, their time spent on each site, and even downloads.

Ad Exchange

A virtual marketplace where advertisers and publishers buy and sell digital ad space, like a stock market for ads. It connects DSPs and SSPs to facilitate transactions.

Ad Format

An ad's measurement (length and width) and is usually in pixels.

Ad Fraud

Those practices that are aimed at generating invalid clicks or impressions on online ads.

Ad Server

A software platform that manages the delivery of online ads to users based on factors such as targeting criteria and campaign goals.


The company, brand, or business that purchases digital ad spaces.


A method of tracking and analysing the effectiveness of a marketing strategy in driving sales and engagement.

Audience Discovery Platform

A tool that helps advertisers identify and target specific audience groups based on their demographics, interests, and behaviours.

Bid Request

A request sent from a publisher's ad server to an ad exchange, seeking bids for a specific ad placement.


The amount an advertiser is willing to pay for an ad impression.


The maximum amount an advertiser is willing to spend on their ad campaign.

Campaign Brief

A document that establishes the basic guidelines of an advertiser's ad campaign, highlighting the objectives, target audience, and budget.


Content that is designed to attract clicks through misleading headlines.


Groups of users who share similar characteristics or have performed similar actions like making a purchase or visiting a specific page.

Conversion Rates

The total number of people who take a particular action after viewing the ad. It is the rate the ad converts potential customers into actual customers.


A small piece of data stored on a user's device by a website or digital platform to track and remember the user's online activities, preferences, and behaviour.


Cost per acquisition - A pricing model where advertisers only pay when a user completes a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up.


Cost per Click - A pricing model where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their ad.


Cost Per Completed View - A pricing model for video ads where advertisers pay only if the viewer watches an entire video ad or a predefined portion of it.


The ability to track and target a user across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.


Click Through Rate measures the percentage of people who clicked on an ad out of the number of people who saw it (impressions).

Customer Engagement

The process of interacting with and capturing the attention of potential or existing customers through personalised and timely communication across various digital channels.

Deep Learning

A subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to train AI to think and process data similarly to how a human brain works.


Data Management Platform - A platform that collects and organises data from online and mobile sources to build consumer profiles for advertisers.


Digital Personal Data Protection Act is a law passed by the Indian Government to protect the data of people living in the country and regulate data fiduciaries.


Demand Side Platform - A software platform that helps advertisers buy digital ad spaces, allowing them to bid in real-time.


The number of times a user is exposed to an ad within a specific timeframe.

Frequency Capping

A way of limiting the number of times a single user sees a specific ad within a particular period to prevent ad fatigue.


General Data Protection Regulation - A law in the EU that protects the data and privacy of Internet users who live in European countries.

Hyper Contextual

Tailoring ads to cater to a user’s individual preference based on the real-time data acquired.

IAB Taxonomy

A standardised classification system developed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau to categorise digital advertising formats, content categories, and targeting methods.

Identity Graph

A comprehensive profile of a user's online behaviour and preferences across multiple devices.


The number of times an ad is displayed on a webpage or app, regardless of whether the user interacts with it or not.

Invalid Clicks

Ad impressions or clicks that are not generated by real human users but rather by bots or other automated methods.


The available ad space on a publisher's network, including banners, videos, and native ads.


Key performance indicator – A critical quantifiable metric that measures the success of a major intended outcome.


The delay before a transfer of data begins following an instruction for its transfer.


Unique identifiers used to track users across mobile devices.


Google Advertising ID - A unique identifier assigned to Android devices by Google for ad personalisation and measurement.


Apple Identifier for Advertisers - A unique identifier assigned to iOS devices for ad targeting and measurement.

Managed Service DSP

An advertising platform where advertisers rely on the platform's experts to manage and optimise their campaigns.


Mobile Measurement Partners - Third-party companies that measure the performance of mobile advertising campaigns.

Native Advertising

A type of ad that blends in with the surrounding content on a webpage or platform, making it less intrusive.


Natural Language Processing - A technology that allows computers to understand and manipulate human language.


A strategy that displays ads to users on various touchpoints, such as websites, apps, and social platforms.


A small piece of code placed on a website or app to track user behaviour and collect data for targeting and measurement.

Programmatic Advertising

The automated process of buying and selling ad space using algorithms and technology.


An entity that creates and distributes content and monetizes it through advertising.


Queries Per Second - Refers to the number of ad requests a server can process in a second.


The count of the total number of new users exposed to an ad campaign within a specific time range.


A strategy that shows ads to users who have previously interacted with a brand.


Return on Ad Spend - A metric that measures revenue generated compared to money spent on ads.


Real-Time Bidding - An automated auction process where the highest bidder wins ad inventory.

Self-Service DSP

An advertising platform where advertisers manage their campaigns independently.


Data points that indicate user interests based on their behaviour.


Supply-Side Platform - A platform publishers use to manage and sell digital ad spaces in real time.

Tech Stack

The combination of technologies, tools, and software platforms that build, deploy, and manage advertising solutions.

Third-Party Data

Information collected by entities without a direct relationship with the user, often aggregated from external sources.


Any interaction between a customer and a brand across various platforms.


The total number of visits to a particular page on the internet.